ручная работа, handmade, Ярмарка Мастеров,кремовый,розовый,роза ручной работы,роза брошь,роза для прически,брошь,брошь цветок,брошь-цветок,цветы из фоамирана,брошка-цветок,брошка цветок,брошка ручной работы,украшение для волос,цветы в украшении,цветочное украшение,аксессуары для фотосессий,аксессуары для свадьбы,свадебные аксессуары,свадебное украшение,для выпускного,фоамиран,фоам

This is to introduce a new material, EVA foam, and new technique for Millinery flower making. This is an amazing new material for flower making! Feather light, can easily be hand coloured. Create beautiful blooms!

During the workshop you will get familiar with a new material EVA Foam and explore its advantages for flower making in Millinery. You will learn the techniques of making patterns, painting , shaping and assembling your creation. In this class you will complete a minimum of two different styles of flowers.

The duration of the class is 6 hours, 10am-5pm,  cost is $150, it includes lunch and materials.

TO secure your place a deposit is required.


Tools Required for this class:
Hot glue gun with glue sticks or glue 450
Scissors to cut EVA foam
Floral wire
Flowers stamens
Oil pastel crayons or soft pastels

For booking contact me directly

[email protected]